Buying cheap baby clothes is a much needed necessity for parents and luckily there are lots of different types of styles and designs to choose from for baby boys and baby girls.
Many department stores such as Macy's and Old Navy have a baby wear range, however with a growing baby, it is likely that you have to have make repeat visits which can be time consuming and also expensive in the long term.
This is why most people choose to buy baby clothes online. Through buying online, you are more likely to find cheap baby clothes because you can compare lots of baby items at one time to ensure that you get the best deal available.
There are many sites online that specialize in cheap baby clothes. Before making a purchase, parents must be careful of the clothing they buy for a newborn. Some factors to keep in mind are safety and comfort.
It is very important that the baby clothing is safe for wear. Some babies have sensitive skin and can develop skin conditions through coming into contact with harmful toxins used in dyes from commercial manufacturers. Comfort is also important. The clothing must not feel restrictive to the baby because this can cause irritation.
As a solution to both of these problems, it is important to buy baby clothes which is soft which is why organic baby cotton clothes are recommended. Organic cotton baby clothes are extremely soft and also do not contain harmful toxins. Most organic cotton baby clothes are handmade and high quality.
Looking for cheap baby clothes? Lots to choose from including organic cotton baby clothes at
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Monday, August 18, 2008
How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?
When was the last time you had a fantastic night's sleep? If your newborn baby won't sleep through the night then a good 7 or 8 hours uninterrupted sleep will seem like a distant memory. What if I told you it didn't have to be this way.
Firstly, you need to create a soothing and calm environment for baby to go to bed. Remove all clutter. If it's summer then sunlight filtering through closed curtains can be a problem. Fit some blackout blinds which will really help baby to distinguish between night and day, even in those tricky summer months. Fitting dimmer switches or a low wattage lamp is also a good idea as when you need to nip in to check on them or feed them, you won't have to dazzle baby with bright lights.
In the first few weeks of your new baby's life, try to avoid rocking or feeding your baby to sleep. They will learn to expect this and you are just making life more difficult for yourself in the long run.
Sometimes babies do wake for no reason during the night, and it's hard (especially for first time parents) to resist the urge to rush in and cuddle them the instant you hear something. Leave them a few minutes and they may settle themselves. If not, try to soothe them with just the sound of your voice instead of picking them straight up.
Once babies have learned the difference between day and night, and began to make the association of bed with sleep, you'll find that they mostly drift off to sleep quickly once they are put to bed.
Lynn Clark is a mother of four and has been qualified in childcare and parenting for 20 years. When it comes to babies and young children she's read the book, seen the film and worn the t-shirt (mostly ones with dribbles of baby milk down the front).
Treat yourself to a good night's sleep again and visit BabyBump for more advice on how to get your baby to sleep.
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Firstly, you need to create a soothing and calm environment for baby to go to bed. Remove all clutter. If it's summer then sunlight filtering through closed curtains can be a problem. Fit some blackout blinds which will really help baby to distinguish between night and day, even in those tricky summer months. Fitting dimmer switches or a low wattage lamp is also a good idea as when you need to nip in to check on them or feed them, you won't have to dazzle baby with bright lights.
In the first few weeks of your new baby's life, try to avoid rocking or feeding your baby to sleep. They will learn to expect this and you are just making life more difficult for yourself in the long run.
Sometimes babies do wake for no reason during the night, and it's hard (especially for first time parents) to resist the urge to rush in and cuddle them the instant you hear something. Leave them a few minutes and they may settle themselves. If not, try to soothe them with just the sound of your voice instead of picking them straight up.
Once babies have learned the difference between day and night, and began to make the association of bed with sleep, you'll find that they mostly drift off to sleep quickly once they are put to bed.
Lynn Clark is a mother of four and has been qualified in childcare and parenting for 20 years. When it comes to babies and young children she's read the book, seen the film and worn the t-shirt (mostly ones with dribbles of baby milk down the front).
Treat yourself to a good night's sleep again and visit BabyBump for more advice on how to get your baby to sleep.
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Exactly what day to start Potty Training
A toilet trained kid does not embarrass you when you are at your friend's or relative house. But what is the right time for toilet training? The best time to begin the training is the time; you both share with each other at great ease. Do not ever force your child to start using the toilet.
However, there is no exact date you can schedule as to start giving potty training. But you can know the right time for it by judging the emotional or psychological changes in your kid. It is wise to start at the age when your child is able to control his or her bladder or bowel movements and shows interest in using the toilet.
Some parents who become sick of changing diapers are willing to start giving potty training in advance. Well, this is not recommended because thus, the child would resist the process or may suffer from toilet terror.
Moreover, you need to bear in mind that every child is different from another that is why different children show significant signs for learning potty training at varied age. Most kids show this between the ages of 2 to 4. But how do you determine that your child is ready for the potty training? What are these signs? Some of these signs are -
When your kid starts copying his or her elder sibling. He or she feels uncomfortable in wet or dirty diapers. He or she can pull up or down his or her pants. Their expression shows that they want to utilize the toilet When they can know or understand their bodily functions.
Copying the parents' bathroom habits.
To build confidence and make them feel grown up, start helping your kid in pulling down or up his pants.
In case they are reluctant to learn the potty process, then do not force them to learn. It is wise to teach the small kids the use of potty seat with other fellow kids. There is a process called 'express toileting' to potty train babies before two years of age. Although, it is hard to train a kid, who is not able to sit properly. So, it is not the right age to train the kid before two years of age. If you do so, then the whole process lacks the child's involvement in the training.
When you wait for the right time for the training process then the process will be faster and easier for both the trainer and learner. The right time only depends upon the child itself. For the whole process it is a must for the child to show interest and trial attitude. Carry out the procedure according to your child's pace. Otherwise they will not be able to relate the things going around them. Do not punish your child for accidents.
So, familiarize your child with the potty chair in a right and an appropriate way.
Dave Clark is a experienced article writer and has been in the industry for many years, he has written many books and is very knowledgeable in various fields, Dave also works for Cushy Sofa a supplier of Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Mattresses, Memory Foam Toppers, Memory Foam Pillows and Divans
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However, there is no exact date you can schedule as to start giving potty training. But you can know the right time for it by judging the emotional or psychological changes in your kid. It is wise to start at the age when your child is able to control his or her bladder or bowel movements and shows interest in using the toilet.
Some parents who become sick of changing diapers are willing to start giving potty training in advance. Well, this is not recommended because thus, the child would resist the process or may suffer from toilet terror.
Moreover, you need to bear in mind that every child is different from another that is why different children show significant signs for learning potty training at varied age. Most kids show this between the ages of 2 to 4. But how do you determine that your child is ready for the potty training? What are these signs? Some of these signs are -
When your kid starts copying his or her elder sibling. He or she feels uncomfortable in wet or dirty diapers. He or she can pull up or down his or her pants. Their expression shows that they want to utilize the toilet When they can know or understand their bodily functions.
Copying the parents' bathroom habits.
To build confidence and make them feel grown up, start helping your kid in pulling down or up his pants.
In case they are reluctant to learn the potty process, then do not force them to learn. It is wise to teach the small kids the use of potty seat with other fellow kids. There is a process called 'express toileting' to potty train babies before two years of age. Although, it is hard to train a kid, who is not able to sit properly. So, it is not the right age to train the kid before two years of age. If you do so, then the whole process lacks the child's involvement in the training.
When you wait for the right time for the training process then the process will be faster and easier for both the trainer and learner. The right time only depends upon the child itself. For the whole process it is a must for the child to show interest and trial attitude. Carry out the procedure according to your child's pace. Otherwise they will not be able to relate the things going around them. Do not punish your child for accidents.
So, familiarize your child with the potty chair in a right and an appropriate way.
Dave Clark is a experienced article writer and has been in the industry for many years, he has written many books and is very knowledgeable in various fields, Dave also works for Cushy Sofa a supplier of Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Mattresses, Memory Foam Toppers, Memory Foam Pillows and Divans
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Beginners Guide - Why is Baby Crying?
The very first thing to do is figure out why your baby is crying. As you may have guessed, babies do not have any other form of communication with us at an early age. In a perfect world, our kids would be able to speak to us from birth but unfortunately, that would be highly unlikely.
It's the way of life in the early years and it's important to learn how to read the signs. First and foremost, if a baby feels uncomfortable, they will let you know. This includes when they feel too hot, cold, hungry, pain and even for bowel movements. It's a pretty large list as it is but those are the most common that come to my mind.
So how exactly do you determine what is causing them to cry? You will need to learn their tendencies by paying attention to their signals. Simply ignoring it will not help your cause because as mentioned above, crying covers everything from minor to major problems. Yes babies do cry occasionally for no apparent reason, but that's how you become a better parent. Learn to decipher the baby code and you're golden! It's not as hard as you think but it does take some time and patience.
Once you start to figure out your child's tendencies, you will notice that some of the crying occurs in an almost scientific schedule. Learn that schedule and you pretty much only have to worry about the unexpected crying which could be associated with the major and life threatening problems.
Here are a few things to check for...
1) Is your child hungry? Try to feed them breast milk / formula (or baby food if they're old enough) and see whether or not they will eat.
2) Does he/she need a diaper change? Simply feel the diaper for the extra baggage or if it's the other, I'm sure your nose would let you know.
3) Are they hot or cold? Simply remove / add a layer one by one to help regulate their temperature or turn on a fan/heater.
4) If their clothes are too tight, you may notice that it causes your child to be irritated. Simply check for the markings on their skin that was left behind by the elastic bands on their clothes.
5) Pick up your child and gently rock them or stroke their head slowly. Sometimes they just want to be held. If needed, you could always walk around the room while holding them.
6) Alternatively, sometimes they just want to be rocked back and forth. You could put them in a cradle and rock them or sit in a rocking chair while holding your child.
7) The famous pacifier.. if you're going down this route you can try putting one in their mouth to stimulate their need to suck. Just remember that one of these days you will need to ween them off of it :)
8) Perhaps they have to burp (commonly after a feeding session). Simply hold them up and rest their head on your shoulder and gently pat their back to help release those nasty gases.
Remember to never shake your child vigorously. Sometimes anger, and frustration get the best of us but this is definitely not going to help. You can seriously harm your child (short term and even long term disabilities) and most importantly you can kill them. Seriously, their bodies are very fragile at this age and it won't take much to snap them in half.
I'm not a doctor but I have some experience in looking for other signs as a parent. Take these suggestions as a guide only, and always check with your doctor as they are the expert. Especially if the above don't help calm your child, you may just very well have a more severe problem on your hands and need to have it checked out asap.
Lastly, invest in a digital thermometer - it helps! Those traditional thermometers won't be able to get even a borderline accurate reading because it's nearly impossible to keep it in their mouth, arm pit or anal orfice. Within seconds you can get a good reading by inserting the digital thermometer into their ear. You won't regret the purchase - it came in very handy in our household.
If you want to find out more about parenting tips, please visit
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It's the way of life in the early years and it's important to learn how to read the signs. First and foremost, if a baby feels uncomfortable, they will let you know. This includes when they feel too hot, cold, hungry, pain and even for bowel movements. It's a pretty large list as it is but those are the most common that come to my mind.
So how exactly do you determine what is causing them to cry? You will need to learn their tendencies by paying attention to their signals. Simply ignoring it will not help your cause because as mentioned above, crying covers everything from minor to major problems. Yes babies do cry occasionally for no apparent reason, but that's how you become a better parent. Learn to decipher the baby code and you're golden! It's not as hard as you think but it does take some time and patience.
Once you start to figure out your child's tendencies, you will notice that some of the crying occurs in an almost scientific schedule. Learn that schedule and you pretty much only have to worry about the unexpected crying which could be associated with the major and life threatening problems.
Here are a few things to check for...
1) Is your child hungry? Try to feed them breast milk / formula (or baby food if they're old enough) and see whether or not they will eat.
2) Does he/she need a diaper change? Simply feel the diaper for the extra baggage or if it's the other, I'm sure your nose would let you know.
3) Are they hot or cold? Simply remove / add a layer one by one to help regulate their temperature or turn on a fan/heater.
4) If their clothes are too tight, you may notice that it causes your child to be irritated. Simply check for the markings on their skin that was left behind by the elastic bands on their clothes.
5) Pick up your child and gently rock them or stroke their head slowly. Sometimes they just want to be held. If needed, you could always walk around the room while holding them.
6) Alternatively, sometimes they just want to be rocked back and forth. You could put them in a cradle and rock them or sit in a rocking chair while holding your child.
7) The famous pacifier.. if you're going down this route you can try putting one in their mouth to stimulate their need to suck. Just remember that one of these days you will need to ween them off of it :)
8) Perhaps they have to burp (commonly after a feeding session). Simply hold them up and rest their head on your shoulder and gently pat their back to help release those nasty gases.
Remember to never shake your child vigorously. Sometimes anger, and frustration get the best of us but this is definitely not going to help. You can seriously harm your child (short term and even long term disabilities) and most importantly you can kill them. Seriously, their bodies are very fragile at this age and it won't take much to snap them in half.
I'm not a doctor but I have some experience in looking for other signs as a parent. Take these suggestions as a guide only, and always check with your doctor as they are the expert. Especially if the above don't help calm your child, you may just very well have a more severe problem on your hands and need to have it checked out asap.
Lastly, invest in a digital thermometer - it helps! Those traditional thermometers won't be able to get even a borderline accurate reading because it's nearly impossible to keep it in their mouth, arm pit or anal orfice. Within seconds you can get a good reading by inserting the digital thermometer into their ear. You won't regret the purchase - it came in very handy in our household.
If you want to find out more about parenting tips, please visit
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Single Parenting, How to make the "Toughest Job in the World" Easier!
1. Separate your child from your ex in your mind
Your child is a special individual in his or her own right; they are not an extension of yourself or your ex. Divorced parents may find it far too easy to fall into the trap of hurting their child to "get back" at their ex. If you find yourself doing this, step back, take a deep breath and really think about what you are doing. Remember that your child is not at fault for whatever happened in your relationship.
2. Set a routine
While it is certainly possible to become tied down with routine, you'll find that a certain amount of routine can make you and your children much more comfortable. You won't feel stressed and your children will have a vague idea of what is going on. A routine can be very comfortable, and you'll find that this is a great way to make sure that you stay on top of things, as well.
3. High expectations
Expect the best, but don't fear the worst. Never express fears that your child will drop out or fail. Tell them that you have high expectations for them, and never accuse them of being failures. You'll find that children will pick up a great deal from their parents in terms of expectations, so make sure that you keep yours high. It might be hard, but believe in their ability to succeed, and you'll find that over all, they will!
4. Time for yourself
Remember that if you spend all of your time with your kids and your co-workers that you will be in a very bad place when it comes to thinking about what you can do for yourself. You'll find that hiring a babysitter, even if it's for a few hours once a week, will give you a great way to relax and stay yourself. Remember that it is a good thing for your children to know that you have a life of your own; it can pull them away from self-centered thinking and also make them more independent.
Get More Great Single Parenting Tips for Single "Moms" and "Dads at
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Your child is a special individual in his or her own right; they are not an extension of yourself or your ex. Divorced parents may find it far too easy to fall into the trap of hurting their child to "get back" at their ex. If you find yourself doing this, step back, take a deep breath and really think about what you are doing. Remember that your child is not at fault for whatever happened in your relationship.
2. Set a routine
While it is certainly possible to become tied down with routine, you'll find that a certain amount of routine can make you and your children much more comfortable. You won't feel stressed and your children will have a vague idea of what is going on. A routine can be very comfortable, and you'll find that this is a great way to make sure that you stay on top of things, as well.
3. High expectations
Expect the best, but don't fear the worst. Never express fears that your child will drop out or fail. Tell them that you have high expectations for them, and never accuse them of being failures. You'll find that children will pick up a great deal from their parents in terms of expectations, so make sure that you keep yours high. It might be hard, but believe in their ability to succeed, and you'll find that over all, they will!
4. Time for yourself
Remember that if you spend all of your time with your kids and your co-workers that you will be in a very bad place when it comes to thinking about what you can do for yourself. You'll find that hiring a babysitter, even if it's for a few hours once a week, will give you a great way to relax and stay yourself. Remember that it is a good thing for your children to know that you have a life of your own; it can pull them away from self-centered thinking and also make them more independent.
Get More Great Single Parenting Tips for Single "Moms" and "Dads at
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Interesting Baby Boy & Girl Names
Not long ago, one of the top trends for baby names here in the States was to give Irish names, both for boys and girls. Irish names were a big development in the US,particularly for boys. It's only been since the 90s that names such as Aidan and Declan have been common amongst American children. One of the reasons might be that the name Sean became mainstream in the 1980's. Parents are now reaching even farther to find Irish names that are unique in the United States.
But beyond Irish influence, American names come from a whole slew of cultural sources. Among these are: English, Egyptian, Czechoslovakian, Gaelic, French, Italian, and Hebrew. America has always been a melting pot of people of different ethnic backgrounds. As such a person's name here doesn't necessarily tie to a particular ethnicity; Indians give their children English names, Italian children are given Irish names like "Sean". And of course popular names are strongly influenced by the popular media- by celebrities and businessmen. Dylan rose as a popular name in the 70s, almost assuredly because of the influence of Bob Dylan the decade before. Here are a few popular or emerging baby names, their meaning or definition, and their ethnic origin:
Baby Boy NamesCHUMA- wealthy; egyptianCHURCHILL- lives at the church hill; englishCHVAL- flattery; czechoslovakianCIAN- ancient; gaelicCIARDUBHAN- little black one; gaelicCINGESWIELLA- lives at the king's spring; english Baby Girl NamesCLAIRE- clear; frenchCLARA- bright; romanianCLARESTA- brilliant; englishCLARICE- famous; frenchCLARICE- clear; italian Green Names?
What if you want to give your boy or girl an environmentally-sound name? Perhaps there's some inspiration you can draw from some famous historical figures for this. For baby boys, think Henry David Thoreau. In this case, Henry David would be all that's needed to make the name recognizable. There's also Aldo Leopold, the author of the ecological classic, A Sand County Almanac. Aldo was an American ecologistand is considered a pioneer in environmental ethics and wilderness preservation. Another name that comes to mind is David Brower, an environmentalist activist who founded Friends of the Earth, the League of Conservation Voters, and other environmental organizations. For baby girls, one of the most famous environmentalists of all time was Rachel Carson. An American biologist, conservationist, and nature writer, Carson is helped increase environmental awareness around the world with her book, Silent Spring. The work spurred the banning of the pesticide DDT in the United States and helped spark the modern environmental movement. Also Carson makes a beautiful middle name. Another idea is Jane Goodall, a famous primatologist. Here are a few more baby boy and baby girl names to consider (along with their meanings) Baby Boy Names RAHMAN- compassionate; arabicRAI- king; chamoruRAI- trust; japaneseRAIBEART- Gaelic form of Robert; gaelicRAIDON- thunder god; japaneseRAINART- strong judgment; germanRAINER- counsel; german Baby Girl Names RANA- royal; indianRAND- to gaze; arabicRANIT- lovely tune; hebrewRANIYAH- gazing; arabicRAONAID- ewe; gaelicRAPHAELLA- healer; hebrewRAQUEL- innocent; hebrew
Zander SmithSite Rep, BabyNames-InfoBaby Girl Names and Baby Boy Names
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But beyond Irish influence, American names come from a whole slew of cultural sources. Among these are: English, Egyptian, Czechoslovakian, Gaelic, French, Italian, and Hebrew. America has always been a melting pot of people of different ethnic backgrounds. As such a person's name here doesn't necessarily tie to a particular ethnicity; Indians give their children English names, Italian children are given Irish names like "Sean". And of course popular names are strongly influenced by the popular media- by celebrities and businessmen. Dylan rose as a popular name in the 70s, almost assuredly because of the influence of Bob Dylan the decade before. Here are a few popular or emerging baby names, their meaning or definition, and their ethnic origin:
Baby Boy NamesCHUMA- wealthy; egyptianCHURCHILL- lives at the church hill; englishCHVAL- flattery; czechoslovakianCIAN- ancient; gaelicCIARDUBHAN- little black one; gaelicCINGESWIELLA- lives at the king's spring; english Baby Girl NamesCLAIRE- clear; frenchCLARA- bright; romanianCLARESTA- brilliant; englishCLARICE- famous; frenchCLARICE- clear; italian Green Names?
What if you want to give your boy or girl an environmentally-sound name? Perhaps there's some inspiration you can draw from some famous historical figures for this. For baby boys, think Henry David Thoreau. In this case, Henry David would be all that's needed to make the name recognizable. There's also Aldo Leopold, the author of the ecological classic, A Sand County Almanac. Aldo was an American ecologistand is considered a pioneer in environmental ethics and wilderness preservation. Another name that comes to mind is David Brower, an environmentalist activist who founded Friends of the Earth, the League of Conservation Voters, and other environmental organizations. For baby girls, one of the most famous environmentalists of all time was Rachel Carson. An American biologist, conservationist, and nature writer, Carson is helped increase environmental awareness around the world with her book, Silent Spring. The work spurred the banning of the pesticide DDT in the United States and helped spark the modern environmental movement. Also Carson makes a beautiful middle name. Another idea is Jane Goodall, a famous primatologist. Here are a few more baby boy and baby girl names to consider (along with their meanings) Baby Boy Names RAHMAN- compassionate; arabicRAI- king; chamoruRAI- trust; japaneseRAIBEART- Gaelic form of Robert; gaelicRAIDON- thunder god; japaneseRAINART- strong judgment; germanRAINER- counsel; german Baby Girl Names RANA- royal; indianRAND- to gaze; arabicRANIT- lovely tune; hebrewRANIYAH- gazing; arabicRAONAID- ewe; gaelicRAPHAELLA- healer; hebrewRAQUEL- innocent; hebrew
Zander SmithSite Rep, BabyNames-InfoBaby Girl Names and Baby Boy Names
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How to Keep your Child Safe in the Car
Car crashes are the leading cause of death and serious injury in children. Your children are precious cargo that you want to protect. To make sure your child is properly restrained in the car, follow these guidelines:
• Infants should use rear-facing car seats for as long as the weight and height limit indicated on the seat. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that infants remain in these types of seats until one year of age or until they reach 20 lbs.
• After the one-year or 20 lbs mark, infants should ride in an approved forward-facing seat in the backseat until they reach the upper weight and height limit for that particular seat. This is usually around the age of 4 and 40lbs.
• After the age of 4 and 40lbs mark, children should use a booster seat until the seat belt fits them properly. A seat belt fits properly when the lap belt lies across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt fits across the chest.
• Once the seat belt fits properly, which is usually at the age of 8 and 4'9" tall, children can wear an adult seatbelt positioned in the backseat of the car.
• Children under the age of 13 should always ride in the backseat. It is a safer place for them. A deployed airbag can seriously hurt a young child or infant riding in the front seat.
• Never buy or use a used car seat. This car seat could have been recalled or if the seat was involved in a previous accident, it is not suppose to be used.
• Many new cars used the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) as a means of attaching the car seat. LATCH is an installation system that was created to standardize the way child safety seats are attached to vehicles without having to use a seat belt. LATCH consists of two lower attachments and an upper tether on a child safety seat that anchors and connects with lower anchors and a top tether built into a vehicle's back seat. Read your car owner's manual and car seat instructions for information on using the LATCH system.
• Visit the NHTSA website to find information on car seat recalls regularly. They also have information on locating a child seat fitting station to ensure that you have installed your car seat properly.
• Set a good example by always wearing your seatbelt and buckle up your children as well.
• Never allow children to ride in the back of a pick-up truck or other vehicle unrestrained.
• Never allow your child to play in a vehicle. This sends the wrong message to a child. They may play in a vehicle without your knowledge and get stuck in it or put it in gear.
• Never leave your child unattended in a vehicle. On hot days, children can suffocate in a car in a very short period of time.
Find helpful and creative ideas for parents and grandparents while you shop our great selection of kids furniture (including our popular toy boxes) and classic toys. Visit today!
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• Infants should use rear-facing car seats for as long as the weight and height limit indicated on the seat. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends that infants remain in these types of seats until one year of age or until they reach 20 lbs.
• After the one-year or 20 lbs mark, infants should ride in an approved forward-facing seat in the backseat until they reach the upper weight and height limit for that particular seat. This is usually around the age of 4 and 40lbs.
• After the age of 4 and 40lbs mark, children should use a booster seat until the seat belt fits them properly. A seat belt fits properly when the lap belt lies across the upper thighs and the shoulder belt fits across the chest.
• Once the seat belt fits properly, which is usually at the age of 8 and 4'9" tall, children can wear an adult seatbelt positioned in the backseat of the car.
• Children under the age of 13 should always ride in the backseat. It is a safer place for them. A deployed airbag can seriously hurt a young child or infant riding in the front seat.
• Never buy or use a used car seat. This car seat could have been recalled or if the seat was involved in a previous accident, it is not suppose to be used.
• Many new cars used the LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) as a means of attaching the car seat. LATCH is an installation system that was created to standardize the way child safety seats are attached to vehicles without having to use a seat belt. LATCH consists of two lower attachments and an upper tether on a child safety seat that anchors and connects with lower anchors and a top tether built into a vehicle's back seat. Read your car owner's manual and car seat instructions for information on using the LATCH system.
• Visit the NHTSA website to find information on car seat recalls regularly. They also have information on locating a child seat fitting station to ensure that you have installed your car seat properly.
• Set a good example by always wearing your seatbelt and buckle up your children as well.
• Never allow children to ride in the back of a pick-up truck or other vehicle unrestrained.
• Never allow your child to play in a vehicle. This sends the wrong message to a child. They may play in a vehicle without your knowledge and get stuck in it or put it in gear.
• Never leave your child unattended in a vehicle. On hot days, children can suffocate in a car in a very short period of time.
Find helpful and creative ideas for parents and grandparents while you shop our great selection of kids furniture (including our popular toy boxes) and classic toys. Visit today!
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