My third child, my son, was having trouble learning how to read. I had the book "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons," but he wasn't catching on. I created flash cards for him that taught him to read. I have since used them with my other 5 children and they have all been above the age appropriate reading level before entering school and throughout their school years. I have passed copies of these flash cards on to my nieces and nephews, neighbors, and grandchildren, and I have seen them work over and over.
Schools teach children to read through memorization. It will help the kids pass to the next grade-level, but they will not have the ability to read new words or understand what they are reading. My method teaches children the building blocks for words. New words don't trip them up. They can take them apart, figure them out, and move on to the next word.
My neighbor's seven-year-old was having problems in second grade because he was not up to speed with his reading skills. I tutored him once a week for a month with my flash cards, and the increase in his reading abilities was astounding. He did much better in school, and his self-esteem improved because he didn't feel like the "stupid" kid in class anymore.
Memorization also doesn't instill a love of reading. It makes it a chore, another task to complete before they can go out and play. My kids learned to read at an early age, and they have all loved books into adulthood. They would rather sit down with a good book than watch t.v. They have bigger vocabularies than the average person as well, picking up many new words through reading a variety of books.
My goal in life has always been to give my kids the best chance they can have, beginning with a great start in school. Now that I know my method works, I want to pass the information on so that other parents out there can help their children get the best start in life as well.
Check out my method on my site - - My books are also available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other book-selling websites.
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