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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Recognizing ADD in our Kids

ADD means attention deficit disorder. This is a disorder that causes someone to have trouble concentrating, they are easily distracted, but more than someone who is creative and tends to think about creative ideas. If a student has ADD he will have trouble pay attention to his studies. Of course, this causes him to have learning. Some people also are hyperactive, along with having trouble concentrating. This is called ADHD. Some people just say ADD for both.
When a student is easily distracted he will have a hard time finishing tasks. Someone with ADD will also seem forgetful, lose things a lot, find it difficult to follow directions, and seem disorganized. When you think about it, you can see why Add would cause a student to have problems in school. Besides having trouble concentrating, he's forgetful, so he may forget what he was suppose to be doing. He may loose his homework more easily or lose his supplies more often than others.
Following directions is a big part of working on class assignments and taking tests. So having a hard time following directions would harm his ability to do tasks in class. If he is having trouble with organization, then can make it hard to do a science project, write a paper or make a speech Id he was in the band being disorganized would make it hard to learn to play his instrument. Even in sports, organization, following directions, and paying attention are important. Add is a serious condition that has to be medically or therapeutically treated.
Don Rainwater has written 100s of articles and two published books on teaching the emotionally disabled or the oppositionally defiant child. For more information on the subject and to view books on the subject visit
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